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Events Calendar

Items in italics are for information only and there is no associated formal club activity.

The club will be operating a number of field events during 2025, which will be added to the calendar when the details are decided.

Sunday 2 March 2025: – Exeter Radio Rally  *New venue: The Kenn Centre, EX6 7UE.

Tuesday 4 March 2025: Club meeting at Tangier.  Operating Night, using the recently installed antennas.

Tuesday 1 April 2025:  Field station at Barleymow (near Chard) operating operating in the RSGB 2m VHF contest.  No meeting at Tangier. 

Tuesday 6 May 2025:  Club meeting at Tangier.  Preparation discussion for the Steam on the Levels event, demonstration station.

Saturday / Sunday 17+18 May 2025.  Steam on the Levels field event, demonstration station.

Tuesday 3 June 2025:  Club meeting at Tangier.   A talk and demonstration by Norman G8PLL on using an oscilloscope. 

Tuesday 1 July 2025:

Tuesday 5 August 2025:

Tuesday 2 September 2025:

Rally information available at:

E&OE (will try and make sure information is accurate, but please check before travelling).
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